join Cyra's online concert singing from her own collection of songs and heartfelt melodies in support of refugee children from Ukraine, together with 'Die Arche', charity organisation
Extended event due to popular demand from fans around the globe
Die Arche
A children's foundation fighting child poverty
Cyra's songs are written from her heart to encourage all those who have been and are still struggling in this unjust war in the Ukraine
Event in support of the Ukrainian Refugee children together with "Die Arche"
All Around The World
I was inspired to write this song already in 2011 after I had moved from Oslo to Berlin starting a whole new chapter of my life. It felt like the lyrics were kind of "downloaded" to me. They are dealing with aspects of hatred and rejection most people experience in their personal lives as well as peoples on a cultural or political level. As we are confronted with unsolved conflicts and destructive results caused by the hardening of the human heart we get invited to "come back home" to the ultimate source of love. Even though this song is dedicated to the Jewish people around the world, it carries the key message of unconditional love that is extended to every human being as the superpower for the healing transformation of our hearts and lives.
“You Are Wanted and Loved"
I hope these words of my new single will encourage you to open your heart and realize that you are loved and worthy of healing love. I pray That you will be able to receive it, learn to love yourself and then share it with others who need to be loved for who they are no matter what background they come from.
All Around The World
Over ten songs, the new album is a compilation of Cyra's favourite classics and new songs inspired by other genres, cultures and supported by international colleagues in music, with lush production and a full string section. It will be her most accomplished album to date.
The songs I write show who I am
They are deeply personal impressions of the journey I am on, and sharing them with the world is my passion. I hope my music will engage hearts across cultures, generations and genres. Cyra is a singer, songwriter and musician living in Berlin, Germany. My new Single, All Around The World, was inspired by my surprising return to Germany after living in the USA (Pensacola, Los Angeles) and in Norway for many years, No matter where I lived, who I met in daily life or collaborated with in the entertainment industry, it would confirm that we are all searching for real and unconditional love to find our true identity.
Performances with Mark Knopfler from former Dire Straits, are among Her Musical Highlights
She sees herself as a bridge builder between different musical styles and has discovered a completely new type of composition with artists from around the globe. A serious accident changed her life - also artistically; How it came about, and how her personal hardship influenced her music and lyrics. Cyra talks about this in an interview with Oliver Jeske from Erf tv.
in support of "die arche," children's foundation fighting poverty
join Cyra's online concert singing from her own collection of songs and heartfelt melodies in support of refugee children from Ukraine, together with 'Die Arche'.